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Welcome to our digital bulletin!

WE’RE SO GLAD YOU’RE HERE!  Thanks for joining us today!  We don’t want to miss the opportunity of connecting with you.  So, whether you are visiting for the first time or are a regular attendee, please take a moment to fill out our digital Connection Card.

If you would like to give toward the ministries of Crossroads Church, please click here!                                               

Looking for more information?  If you’d like to learn more about Crossroads we’d encourage you to check out our website for more information about our ministry or contact us with your questions! We’d love to connect with you and help answer any questions you might have!

Here’s the information you need to know
about for Sunday, may 12, 2024!

marriage moment

Prayer is a powerful dynamic and is way underused in the marriage relationship. Husbands, consider making a certain amount of drive time an opportunity to pray for your wife, maybe three days a week or daily during your drive to work; pray for her blessing, stress relief,     encouragement, or whatever she may need that day.  Wives, designate a few minutes of your daily prayer time to pray the same way for your husband. 

If you want to take your marriage to the next level, pray together twice a week for just a few minutes; if nothing else, thank the Lord for your spouse and what they mean to you.  And no, you don’t have to have a flawless performance going into that prayer time together.  If you have sinned/failed, all you have to do is begin your part of the prayer time together by asking the Lord’s forgiveness for your sin/failure.  His precious blood gets applied in a nanosecond, forgiven and forgotten, and you’re good to go in saying a prayer with your spouse. 


· Celebrate Mother's Day by getting a picture with Mom at our Mother's Day Photo Booth!  It'll be a great way to capture a memory you can look back on for years!  All you need is your family and a cell phone; one of our volunteers will take your picture!  The photo booth is located in the Connection Area.   

 · Welcome New Members! Please welcome Luis Ramos Molina & Rebekah Ramos as new members of Crossroads!  If you’re interested in becoming a member of Crossroads, please indicate your interest on your Connection Card today!

· Summer Blast 2024 is just a few short weeks away, and we could use your help!  We’re looking for volunteers to help provide snacks for our 140 campers and food items to feed 70 volunteers.  If you want to learn more and sign up to provide one of our needed items, click here!

· How do we know where we are on that journey with Christ to Love, Connect, and Serve? What does it entail, and what is our next step to take? Join us in the Journey at Crossroads Target Group as we dig into how God has uniquely wired and gifted you to be vital to what He is doing in our midst.  Join us for this 4-week class where you can learn, ask questions, and connect with others!  Class begins on May 19th in Room 105/107 at 11:15 AM. Sign up now.

· SAVE THE DATE! On Sunday, August 4th, our church family will gather at River Park Square for a giant cookout! Due to our overall size, there aren’t many times when the entire church is in the same place at the same time, so you won’t want to miss this event! We’ll share more details as we draw closer, but for now, get the evening of August 4th on your calendar so you don’t miss it! 

help us pound out hunger!

We’re inching closer and closer to our Community-Wide Food Drive on Saturday, May 18th!  Help Us “Pound” Out Hunger by engaging the residents of Marshall County at Walmart and Kroger.  We still need volunteers to take an hour shift at one of those locations.  Grab your family and serve together!  Grab a friend from your Community Group, a ministry team that you serve on together, from a Bible study you are doing together, or someone you’d love to spend more time together to get to know better!  Give an hour and help make an impact on hunger in our community.  Register now to volunteer by clicking here.

It’s not too late!  If you forgot to bring in your donations this morning, have no fear, you can still donate! You can either drop off your donations to the church office this week (M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm) or simply bring your donations to Walmart or Kroger on the 18th between 10:00 am - 2:00 pm and give them to one of your fellow Crossroads volunteers! 

Help spread the word about the food drive by passing out invitation cards to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers and encouraging them to help!  Invite cards can be found in the seat back pockets, on the tables in the Worship Center, and at the Welcome Center!             Together, we can hit our goal to provide 1,000 pounds of food to help feed people in our community.